Following the pleasures and risks of becoming dizzy, we, artists duo Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond and curator Sergio Edelsztein, have the immense pleasure of discussing dizziness with brilliant artists, writers, musicians, political scientists, philosophers, historians, mathematicians, urban planners, curators and other thinkers and creatives from Europe, North and South America, South East Asia and the Middle East. We’re excited to discuss and learn something unexpected along the way as our guests talk about their ideas about dizziness, uncertainty, and anxiety, the generative and destructive potential these states yield in our personal and social lives and environments, and eventually propose ways of navigating dizziness individually and collectively. When do we enjoy getting dizzy? When does it constitute a risk, and what risks are worth taking individually and as a society?
With contributions by Gloria Benedikt, Katrin Bucher-Trantow, Michael Butter, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Davide Deriu, Tim Etchells, Karoline Feyertag, Dani Gal, María Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez, David Grubbs, Ran Holtzmann, Anna Kim, Gal Kronenberg, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Dan Novy, Alice Pechriggl, Letizia Ragaglia, Evdokia Romanova, Grace Samboh, Katja Schechtner, Başak Şenova, Ben Spatz, Trevor Paglen, Ursula Prutsch, Angelos Varvarousis, Ilan Volkov, and others.
Produced in spatial audio, this PodArt is best enjoyed with a high-quality headset.
What is your take on dizziness, togetherness, and options for navigating states of dizziness, uncertainty and unpredictability together? Let us know: contact@anderwald-grond.at
Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein
Assistance: Laura Brechmann
Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond
Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent
Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts
Associate Producer: Livia Heiss
Dizziness needs a body to exist. But what a body is can be discussed. Dizziness can have multiple incarnations, but how can we recognize these embodiments and be aware of our dizziness? Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez
Dizziness is a kind of disturbed sense of relationship we have to space. In other words, environmental conditions make us feel dizzy, and this has very much to do with the built environment and how we experience architecture and urban space. Davide Deriu
The idea of dizziness creates an interesting potential aperture. What does it mean to actually find oneself removed from an overbearing context, or find yourselves at a loss, or confused and dizzy and dislocated from the world that itself carries a certain order, but one that’s apparently life-denying, devastating, and decimating? Natasha Lennard
We know from the substantial body of psychological research that in the Western world, one particular group of people drawn to conspiracy have a problem with ambiguity and uncertainty, which I think is closely related to dizziness. Michael Butter
The way out of the discourse, the exit, is a way to safety, a poros which appears unexpectedly, which no one can be sure of finding, and which is itself always aporetic: a true miracle, an encounter with a dolphin in mid-ocean. But if we refuse to swim, if we stay where we are, we must abandon all hope of ever meeting a dolphin that might save us. Sarah Kofman
With the backdrop of The Second World War and the Algerian War for Independence Vertiginous, a two part audio play tells the story of Camilla Mayer and Abdallah Bebtaga, two circus acrobats whose life is entangled through their steep rise to glory and tragic fall.
Speakers: David Wurawa, Alexei Korolyov, Alix Martin, Ewa Placzyńska
Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna
FWF – Austrian Science Funds, (FWF PEEK AR598)
Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria