Zentrum Fokus Forschung
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Rustenschacherallee 2/4, 1020 Wien, Austria
3 – 6 October 2023
Convocation — from com ‘with, together’ and vocare ‘to call’. We call for a live “coming together” of artistic researchers whose practices engage with the materiality and mediality of language: from the wordless corporeality of body language to the virtuality of digital text, from the voicing of spoken utterance to the textility of words on a page. Taking place in Vienna (3 – 6 October 2023), Convocation II is a gathering of expanded language-based artistic research, focused on the sharing of practices. Convocation II is conceived as a reciprocal space for creating interconnections with a wider international community of artistic researchers working with language. The focus on language within artistic research is considered from a broad and transforming perspective to include diverse fields such as visual arts, performance, film, theatre, music, choreography as well as literature. The intent is not to define or fix what language-based artistic research is but rather to reflect how it is practised in its diversity.
Convocation II is hosted by the Society of Artistic Research Special Interest Group for Language-based Artistic Research (co-founded by Emma Cocker, Alexander Damianisch, Cordula Daus and Lena Séraphin). It builds upon and extends conversations from Convocation I which took place within the frame of the Research Pavilion, Venice, 2019. Convocation II will create a live and in-person context for further ‘sharing practices’ of language-based artistic research, following publication of two online Practice Sharing presentations in 2020 and 2023.
3 October 2023, 17:15-18:45
Mis/Guided Tour through the Neighbourhood by Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond
The performative walk Am Schüttel by Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond will highlight certain historical, artistic, architectural and urban contexts of the backdrop of the Zentrum Fokus Forschung, in which the gathering is located. The delving into the background of the neighbourhood will foreground topics and conversations that are both specific to its local situatedeness, as well as related to current practices of artistic and language-based research.