The initial idea to make a portrait of Charles Blondin, the famed tightrope walker and ropedancer of the 19th century, developed into a reflection of and fascination of the abyss and the abyssal.
The Greek word peirar means “end, limit” and peras means “end, limit, boundary”. The word a-peiron is the negation of these meanings. In Hesiod and other classical Greek texts peras mainly describes the end of the known world.
This is a fragment of the soundtrack that will accompany our film "Dizziness Is My Name".
Five arts-based research projcets taking place at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna will be presented and discussed. Kerstin Mey from University of Westminster and member of the Austria Science Board will give the keynote at the end of the day.
The blurring of art’s boundaries enables it to cross-pollinate and conquer new territories.
The photo installation “Horizon in Motion” by Anderwald + Grond on the glass façade of the CCA, Congress Centre Alpbach plays with the figur of Atlas.