Flag: 300 × 200 cm, colour, digital print on Multiflag® SE, glozzy, 110 g/m²
Edition: 3 + 2 AP, 2.000 €
The FORUM 20:17 wants to bring up the social and cultural change of the global societies and the associated need for orientation of young people in the new form of a future laboratory as well as the associated need for shaping open and associative youth work.
Can dizziness be a resource? What remains from states of precariousness, uncertainty, disorientation, intoxication or exhilaration? Particularly now, in these times of invocations of global crisis, these questions are more relevant than ever. The exhibition ‘Dizziness. Navigating the Unknown’ locates dizziness in artistic creativity, finding it in situations of unbalance, confusion, disorientation